33 research outputs found

    Feature Selection Mammogram based on Breast Cancer Mining

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    The very dense breast of mammogram image makes the Radiologists often have difficulties in interpreting the mammography objectively and accurately. One of the key success factors of computer-aided diagnosis (CADx) system is the use of the right features. Therefore, this research emphasizes on the feature selection process by performing the data mining on the results of mammogram image feature extraction. There are two algorithms used to perform the mining, the decision tree and the rule induction. Furthermore, the selected features produced by the algorithms are tested using classification algorithms: k-nearest neighbors, decision tree, and naive bayesian with the scheme of 10-fold cross validation using stratified sampling way. There are five descriptors that are the best features and have contributed in determining the classification of benign and malignant lesions as follows: slice, integrated density, area fraction, model gray value, and center of mass. The best classification results based on the five features are generated by the decision tree algorithm with accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, FPR, and TPR of 93.18%; 87.5%; 3.89%; 6.33% and 92.11% respectively

    Correlation between the degree of leukoaraiosis and hyperlipidemia in post-ischemic stroke patients

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    Leukoaraiosis is a neurological imaging in the periventricular area and the centrum semiovale. This condition occurs due to abnormalities in the small blood vessels in the brain that lead to hypoxia. It is often observed in patients with ischemic stroke and accompanied by risk factors for hyperlipidemia. This study aimed to evaluate the correlation between the degree of leukoaraiosis and hyperlipidemia in post-ischemic stroke patients. A cross-sectional study retrospectively was conducted on post-ischemic stroke patients who underwent brain MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) on T2 and FLAIR (fluid-attenuated inversion recovery) sequence at the Department of Radiology, Dr. Sardjito General Hospital, Yogyakarta, from January 2021 to March 2022. A total of 36 patients were involved in this study. The leukoaraiosis of patient was examined by brain MRI. Degree of the leukoaraiosis was determined based on Fazekas classification. Serum cholesterol, HDL (high-density lipoprotein), LDL (low-density lipoprotein), and triglyceride levels of patients were then examined. The data obtained were then analyzed using Spearman correlation test. A positive correlation was observed between the degree of leukoaraiosis and triglyceride level (p = 0.042; r = 0.292) and age (p= 0.004; r = 0.464). However, no correlation was observed between the degree of leukoaraiosis and cholesterol, HDL, and LDL (p>0.05). In conclusion, the leukoaraiosis degree is correlated with serum triglyceride levels and age in post-ischemic stroke patients

    Mammographic Density and Estrogen Receptor α Gene Polymorphism in Javanese Women

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    Estrogen plays important roles in breast cancer as it binds its receptor in breast tissue. The most studied variants in estrogen receptor α encoded by ESR1 gene are the ESR1 PvuII and XbaI polymorphisms, which were associated with lower sensitivity to estrogen. We determined the proportion of ESR1 XbaI and PvuII polymorphisms in Javanese woman in Yogyakarta, Indonesia and analyzed the correlation between genetic variations with mammogram density. ESR1 XbaI and PvuII polymorphisms of 50 cases and 58 controls were identified using PCR-RFLP. Breast density was assessed based on digitizer mammograms. Quantitative analysis was performed using an interactive program based on cumulus of two thresholds. Mean of density and frequencies of SNPs were compared between cases and controls to identify the association between SNPs and cancer susceptibility. Mammographic density was significantly higher in cases (52%) than controls (0.41%) (p 0.05), while the proportion between AA and GG was significantly different (p < 0.05). Haplotype 2 (CG/PX) was associated with lower sensitivity to estrogen and reflects a decrease of mammographic density. These findings were consistent with other studies that showed that ESR1 polymorphisms may affect breast cancer risk through differences in breast density.

    Smoothing Module for Optimization Cranium Segmentation Using 3D Slicer

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    Anatomy is the most essential course in health and medical education to study parts of human body and also the function of it.  Cadaver is a media used by medical student to study anatomical subject. Because of limited access to cadaver and also due to high prices, this situation makes it necessary to develope an alternative anatomical education media, one of them is the use 3D printing to produce anatomical models. Before 3D Print the cranium, it is necessary to do the segmentation process and often the segmentation result is not good enough and appear a lot of noises. The purpose of this research is  to optimize a 3D cranium based on DICOM (digital imaging and communications in medicine) data processing using the smoothing modules on 3D Slicer. The method of this research is to process the Cranium DICOM data using 3D Slicer software by varying the 5 types of smoothing modules. The results with default parameter fill holes and median have better results compared to others. Kernel size variations are performed for smoothing module fill holes and medians. The result is fill holes get optimal segmentation results using a kernel size of 3 mm and the median is 5 m


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    The COVID-19 pandemic has put intense pressure on the healthcare systems. As the lung complication of COVID-19, pneumonia can be assessed by chest radiography which can be used to predict the severity of patient deterioration using Brixia and RALE scores. This research aims to assess the Radiologists' agreement on diagnosing pneumonia COVID-19 by RT-PCR in CXR using the Brixia and RALE score at Dr. Sardjito Central General Hospital from May 2020-January 2021. Two separate radiologists scored initial chest radiographs for RALE and Brixia independently. The analysis assessed included a descriptive analysis of demographic data, and Bland-Altman plots were used to visualize intra-observer agreement. A total of 332 samples were 162 men (48.8%) and 170 women (51.2%), with a mean age of 42.37. The ICC of Brixia score (0.855, CI:0.794-0.895) and RALE score (0.756, CI:0.662-0.812). Bland–Altman analysis revealed a bias of 5.08 ± 6.04 (95% limits   of agreement of -6.760 and 16.929) for Brixia and RALE scores and significantly correlated (r=0.886 (p0.05)). The average score of Brixia (6.29±4.430) and RALE (11.56±9.997) in men was higher than in women. The agreement of Radiologists in diagnosing pneumonia COVID-19 using Brixia and RALE scores with the Bland Altman curve was significant or reliable

    Prevention, Identification, and Management of Stunting through Health Education and Entrepreneurial Capacity Building in Argomulyo Village, Sleman, Yogyakarta

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    Stunting is one of the world’s most serious public health issues, with significant morbidity rates, especially in Indonesia. Low public awareness of stunting and low family income are two major causes discovered especially in Special District of Yogyakarta. This community service project was undertaken to address this issue. Following the completion of the situation analysis and problem identification, a community-based problem-solving strategy in the form of health and entrepreneurship education was developed. Three medical experts provided prenatal health education to pregnant women, followed by an ultrasound screening to detect any early anomalies related to stunting. For other members of the community, experienced entrepreneurs give entrepreneurial education, which was supported by workshops for them to immediately practice the material that had been presented. It was intended that the community’s excitement would raise health awareness about stunting and the level of the local economy, allowing the stunting problem in this region to be ameliorated. It was found that the provision of health education programs had succeeded in increasing the level of community knowledge regarding stunting. Ultrasound examination found that all pregnant women in the area had normal pregnancies and fetal conditions. Community-based interventions through health education and increasing economic welfare based on tourism villages can be used to prevent stunting

    Knowledge and Acceptance Towards Mammography as Breast Cancer Screening Tool Among Yogyakarta Women and Health Care Providers (Mammography Screening in Indonesia)

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    Annual mammography remains the gold standard of asymptomatic breast cancer screening for women starting at the age of 40. However, Indonesia has not designated mammography as its national screening program. To help policymakers decide whether mammography should be introduced into a national program, it is important to comprehensively understand the knowledge and acceptance of both consumers and providers. A total of 25 subjects including a range of women and health care professionals (HCPs) in Yogyakarta Province were recruited using purposive, maximum variation sampling and then interviewed in-depth. The interviews were recorded and all data were taken and transcribed from the audio recording, which were subsequently translated to English and analyzed thematically. Almost all of Yogyakarta women had heard about the term of mammography. However, only few of them have let themselves be screened, mainly because of their perceived lack of urgency to screen for asymptomatic breast cancer. Another important reason was the high cost of mammography. Meanwhile, several HCPs believed that breast cancer has not been a priority for the government and hence the government limited mammography screening's access and excluded it from the national insurance coverage. Most women in Yogyakarta have a good understanding about breast cancer screening, but their acceptance of mammography as a breast cancer screening tool is significantly influenced by high cost, limited access, and lack of urgency